HPEP Switches Monthly Munch

Monthly Switches meeting, yak and (maybe) whack

We have talked about D/s switching. Whether it’s the other person, our mood, the circumstances, or a point in a mutual relationship. But what is this Domination thing, and what is being submissive ?

It can be all the time with someone, while you’re in each others’ presence, or only during a scene. And some of us do both, and find ourselves at a Switches meeting.
Let’s see what you actually consider being dominant…. Imposing your will in real life, running a scene, ordering from a menu, or changing positions on the sheets ?
What’s being submissive; letting him decide on a car, pick out the toys for the party, say your shoes don’t go with your dress, or sticking your ass in the air at the right time ? (You wanted to do that anyway, didn’t you?)

We can have a big happy fun time arguing about what is dominance and submission with a room full of Switches. And someone wants to discuss close-quarters toys for restricted spaces and very close encounters of the sensual and painful type. We should all bring our favorite close up and personal type toys, and be prepared to use and abuse each other with them, because… uh… switches ! Yeah !

Houston’s Top of the Slash Kinksters

We will have a round table discussion on topics of interest to the group.  Bring your questions, or send any of the leaders a topic of interest in advance.