Come join us for an evening of fun as we decorate pumpkins for Halloween!

BYOP (that’s Bring Your Own Pumpkin, LOL) and ideas for your design. We will have some basic carving tools and supplies to share, but if you have anything specific you’d like to use or want to incorporate into your design, please bring it with you.

Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.

HPEP Top of the Slash Munch

We will have a round table discussion on topics of interest to the group.
Bring your questions, or send any of the leaders a topic of interest in advance.

HPEP Submissive SIG Munch

A great place to express your submissive side and find like minded bottom of the slash mindset. Please contact aide-de-camp for location.

HPEP Houstonian Primals Munch

Our munches will be a place for us to gather and be able to discuss topics and thoughts any of us may have relating to the Primal lifestyle. While everyone has a chance to talk, I do try to keep us on topic. Round table discussion is fine, and will happen. But I like for everyone to have their say so regarding the topic first. We meet in the back room, or the back patio if the weather is nice.

Speaking of topics…. Each month I would like to ask the group if anyone has anything that the group would like to be discussed. So, let me know if you have any ideas guys!!